Friday, April 8, 2011

D.C. Day 1

We're in Washington DC for several days for the kids Spring Break with Carly's mom Anne Jean, aka AJ.  We visited Arlington Cemetery and went to the National Archives to see the Declaration and the Constitution.  We met Carly's dad for dinner at a restaurant near his office.  We were really excited and surprised to see Frank Luntz and John Boehner there, even though we looked like sweaty tourists.  We're staying at the Hotel Harrington which is really close to everything including the Metro (subway).  It's a very old building and has LOTS of character, to word it politely.  We checked everything into AJ's room when we first arrived b/c our room wasn't ready yet.  Well we finally got into to our room at the end of this very long day to discover a radiator.  When a mystery control knob on the wall didn't seem to do anything, the front desk informed us that they turn on the AC during the summer.  Awesome.  Our adventure continues....

Welcome to Surratt's Brilliant Online Memory Bomb.  I realize 'online blog' is redundant, but it makes for a great acronym and, even more importantly, an easy-to-remember address.  Enjoy and feel free to comment.